What to see and observe in Akagera national park

What to see and observe in Akagera national park : What to see in Akagera national park! Akagera national park gets you all deep in the wilderness, Akagera national park is located in the eastern province of Rwanda , bordering with Tanzania, the park offers a captivating blend of diverse wildlife and magnificent landscapes. Akagera national park covers an area of 1,089 sq km and was gazetted as a national park in 1934, the park got its name after the Kagera River which flows water along its eastern border with Tanzania

Surrounded by cultivated hills, that are so much a part of Rwanda scenery, the scenery of Akagera national Park is quite simply beautiful. The landscape is low, composed of wide plains dominated by grass, cactus-like Euphorbia candelabra shrub and both thick and thin forests although it does carry on with the general rugged terrain that is so characteristic of Rwanda.

The park is a home of different unique wildlife species for example the big five exciting animals including the Elephants, buffaloes, lions, rhinos, leopards and other mammal species like , zebras, giraffes, warthogs, impalas , bushbucks others lions, hyenas, and several antelopes like the bushbucks, roan antelope, Topes, klipspringer, Oribis, Cape eland, water-buck, duikers and impalas. There are a number of primates species found within this park such as the olive baboons, Vervet monkeys, and the nocturnal bush babies. The shallow waters of Lake Ihema are home to a large number of crocodiles and hippos which can best be viewed during boat rides. This guide highlights to you all what to see and observe while on Rwanda wildlife safari in Akagera national park.

The Big Five Gems

Akagera national park is the only national park in Rwanda housing the Big five African animals such African elephants are the gentle giants roam the savannas and forests of Rwanda. Their impressive size and intelligence make them a symbol of power and wisdom, African Buffalo, these formidable herbivores thrive in Rwanda’s national parks. Their robust build and unpredictable behavior command respect. Rwanda is also a home to the Eastern Black Rhinoceros, a critically endangered species, in 2019, five of these majestic rhinos were translocated from Europe to Akagera national park, where they are now making it a home. Witnessing their reintroduction is a remarkable experience. African Leopards are elusive and solitary cats are skilled hunters. Their spotted coats blend seamlessly with the lush Rwandan landscapes, making them challenging to spot as well as Lions that are seeing roaming freely in Akagera savannah grasslands. Witnessing these iconic animals in their natural habitat is a thrilling experience

Akagera National Park is now proudly known for hosting these magnificent animals, Visiting Rwanda’s national parks allows you to witness these incredible animals in their natural habitat. From the lush forests to the open plains, Rwanda’s wildlife offers a captivating experience for nature enthusiasts and conservationists alike. 

Antelopes and Herbivores

Akagera is home to a variety of antelope species, including graceful impalas and big herds of topi. Keep an eye out for Burchell’s zebras and Masai giraffes others. These fascinating animals can be easily seen when you participate amazing games drive in the park. Akagera national park offers the best of the games drives to travelers with a remarkable views of all or few of this majestical species.


The park is also a dwell to a variety of primates each as vervet monkeys, Anubis baboons, olive baboon, blue monkeys, and bush babies among others. Encounter with the vervet monkeys and Anubis baboons as they swing through the trees creates unforgettable memories of being in the wilderness in Akagera national park. These playful primates add to the park’s biodiversity.

Bird watching

Birding in Akagera national park is an incredible treat with a variety of habitants that ranges from savannah to lowlands. The diversity in the national park is reflected to overs 480 bird species. Akagera is a paradise for bird enthusiasts. While on a birding safari in Akagera national park, you will get to see some of the savannah and lowland birds including those that are endemic to the Albertine rift such as majestic Shoebill, elegant Grey-crowned cranes, striking saddle-billed storks ,Northern Brown-throated Weaver, Papyrus Gonolek, White-Winged Swamp Warbler, Carruthers’ Cisticola, White-collared Oliveback, Bare face-Go-Away bird, and African fish Eagle, Black-headed Gonolek, Fork-tailed Drano and Grey-crowned Cranes Shouldered robin-chat, Grasshopper buzzard, Dimorphic egret among others

What to see and observe in Akagera national park
White-collared Oliveback

Lake Ihema

Lake Ihema is located in the southern portion of Akagera National Park and receives its water from a river tributary of the Akagera River, which supplies several lakes in the park. Lake Ihema is the largest lake in the park, and it is obvious that it is the largest lake in the park.  Lake Ihema has three major branches, which serve as tributaries to the Kagera River which are Nyabugogo branch, Muhanga branch and Muhanga River. The lake is about 50 kilometers in length, with a maximum depth of about 30 meters. The lake is gifted with diverse biodiversity, consisting of over 155 bird species, including the endangered shoe bill stork, papyrus Gonolek, jacanas sandpipers, Malachite Kingfisher, and herons, among others. Around the lake, there are several papyrus marshes where you may witness a variety of bird species, hippos, buffalos, and other animals. The papyruses also serve as bird sanctuaries for a variety of bird species in the park, making it an excellent birding location when there. Explore the beautiful Lake Ihema by taking a boat trip takes you not only scenic but host a variety of an aquatic animals  

Best time to visit Akagera

Akagera National Park can be visited all year round but the best time for game viewing is during the dry season that runs from June to September as the vegetation is thin offering clear views of the animals and many of the water sources have dehydrated up which leads to most of the animals congregating around the few available sources of water.

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